PPC (Pay per click) has a major role to play in directing targeted traffic to a specific website. This is an outstanding web based advertising model. The publishers get paid from the advertisers (on clicking the ad).
It is to be noted that a viewer who is clicking on a particular promotion is on a look out for a specific service or data. So when you are putting in your hard earned money, energy and precious time on PPC campaign planning and execution, it is vital that you have an idea about the greeting page. This will eventually give you the much desired conversions.
It's high time that you accept the bitter truth. If a viewer is not able to find what he/she is looking for on your website or have a tough time finding things then the scene is not very good. This means that the page can be totally skipped. You definitely do not want something like this.
Pay per click advertising services focus on creating an appropriate landing page. This will result in PPC campaign conversions.
How to create remarkable Landing Pages?
Select the resources properly:
It is all about proper arrangement. All those who are a part of the campaign need to be clear about their duties. This way they can collectively work towards a common goal.
Initial Drafts
1. Design tools - Wire-frames?
Wire-frames are crucial design tools. These play a crucial role in web page development.
Being vague is not going to help at all. You need to be sure about what needs to be conveyed and how do you go about it. The presentation page has to be to the point and crisp. The viewer should not feel lost. Keep in mind to include testimonials and relevant images. You need to be honest in your approach.
Ad Banners:
If there is sufficient space, then it is a superb idea to insert Add Banners. Sometimes deals offer the perfect solution. You will be surprised to see that unexpected queries often help in generating clientele.
After you are done with the drafting page you need to drop out all those things that seem unnecessary. You will reach a point that includes minimum necessities and this is your arrival point.
Final checks:
When the first draft is ready you need to come up with some queries. This way you will be able to analyse what all needs to be included at the final stage. Some of the common questions that can be on your mind are:
- Are your image values conveyed with the help of the advertisements?
- Are you able to convey your battle USPs?
- How is your item profitable for the clients?
Google ad-words specialist focus on exploring all the possibilities to make sure that the campaign is a huge success. Social sharing button can be added to the page.
Now you are all set to create a good landing page that will help in generating revenue.
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